Monday, June 17, 2013

Summer Updates????

Hi third graders (ok, fourth graders)... how's your summer going so far?? On the last day of school, we talked about sharing our summers with each other through our blog. So... let me know what you've been up to so far! You can comment on this post, or you can email me at and I'll post an update for you. I've been busy so far...this week I'm in a technology class at Stockton High School. And, yes, Mrs. Reese is here too! We're learning a lot of fun things to use with our new classes next year. I also spent a few days in Kansas with my husband's family, and helped one of my friends with her son's wedding. I miss you all, and I hope you are having a fun summer! Let's hear what you are up to!


  1. Mrs. Schafer and I are now the students! We are learning about how to use all our technology in our classrooms. Enjoy the sunshine!

  2. My summer is great!! Dad and I have been fishing on the Mississippi and next week we're going to my Uncle Jay's in Wisconsin so we can all fish together and visit with my cousins. We've been camping alot and in a couple of weeks are going to Door County. My sister and I are having fun in our pool. I miss school but I'm really enjoying my summer.


    1. Hi Ben!
      Thanks for posting! Sounds like you are having a great summer! I agree with you...I miss school, too, but I am enjoying my summer! Soon we'll be heading to Minnesota for a few days to relax with our family. Have fun in Door County!

      Mrs. Schafer

  3. My summer is going GREAT!!!!!! I played in an ALL STAR game. An ALL STAR game is where all the best baseball players come together and get split up in to two teams. I hit one and knocked someone from my team home and tied the game up 10 to 10! That happened a long time ago.I just found out how to do this. So I did!

    Your Going in to 4th Grade Student
    Caden Albrecht

    1. Hi Caden!
      Thanks for posting! Your summer sounds like it has been fun so far, too! The ALL STAR game sounds awesome, but you forgot to tell us, did your team win the game?
      Hope the rest of your summer is fabulous!

      Mrs. Schafer
